Personale docente


Professore ordinario



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Education and Qualifications
2002.02 Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics from the University of Brescia.
1998.03 Master Degree in Engineering and Management, with honors, from the University of Padova.
1997.02 - 1998.09 International education experiences in Scotland (at the University of Strathclyde) and England (Internship in a private company supervised by Bolton Institute).

Academic Positions
2015.04 - present Full Professor of Mechanics of Machines at DTG dept., University of Padova
2006.10 - 2015.03 Associate Professor of Mechanics of Machines at DTG dept., University of Padova
2004.01 - 2006.09 Assistant Professor of Mechanics of Machines at DIMEG dept., University of Padova

Academic Teaching
2004.01 - present More than 30 courses taught, on 8 different topics, at graduate and undergraduate level.
Currently taught courses: "Mechanical vibrations", "Fundamentals of Mechanics", "Mechatronics and Automation"
2011 - present Coordinator of LLP/Erasmus+ exchange programs (4 currently active)

Chief Executive Services to University
2016.07 - present Coordinator of the Steering Committee of the Degree Course in Product Innovation Engineering - B.Sc program.
2014.10 - present President (elected) of the Degree Course in Product Innovation Engineering - M.Sc program.
2010.07 - 2016.03 Deputy Director of the Doctoral School of Mechatronics and Product Innovation Engineering.
2011.05 - 2014.10 Deputy President of the Degree Course in Engineering and Management.
2009.01 - 2012.12 Coordinator (elected) of the Ph.D. Curriculum Mechatronics and Industrial Systems of the Doctoral School of Industrial Engineering.

Publications and Conference Participations
• Author or co-author of more than 100 manuscripts (40% ISI-SCOPUS journal papers).
• Session chairman at 5 international conferences.
• Invited plenary lecturer and keynote speaker on cable robotics at 2 international conferences.

Chief Professional Services
2012.12 - present Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems”, InTech - Sage Publishing.
2012.07 – 2014.03 Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Mathematical Problems in Engineering”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
• Since 2014, invited peer reviewer for national and international project proposals funded by Qatar Foundation (Qatar), Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium), Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research - MIUR (Italy).
• Invited peer reviewer for 21 international ISI/SCOPUS journals.
• Invited peer reviewer for more than 30 international conferences.
• Member of the Scientific Committee (SC) of the "IFIT 2018" November 29-30, 2018, Cassino (Italy).
• Member of the SC of the "IFIT 2016", December 1-2, 2016, Vicenza (Italy).
• Member of the SC of the "Multibody Dynamics Workshop 2016", April 11-15, 2016, Parma (Italy).
• Co-organizer of the topic “Robotics” of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conf. on Multibody Dynamics, June 29 to July 2, 2015, Barcelona (Spain).
• Member of the SC of the “CMSM’2015”, March 23 – 25, 2015, Hammamet (Tunisia).
• Member of the Program Committee of the “Second Int. Conf. on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CableCon2014)”, August 24 - 27, 2014, Duisburg (Germany).
• Member of the SC of the “CSMS’2011”, March 21- 23, 2011, Sousse (Tunisia).
• Member of 5 doctoral dissertation committees in France, Italy and Spain.


The complete list of publication can be found in Padua Research Archive, the institutional repository of the scientific production of the University of Padua:

List of publications in other public scientific databases:
- Google Scholar:

Area di ricerca

Current Research Interests
o Dynamics and control of mechanisms and manipulators with flexible links.
o State estimation in multibody systems with either rigid or flexible links.
o Synthesis of delayed reference controllers for elastic mechanical systems.
o Inverse dynamic structural modification of vibrating systems.
o Dynamic compensation of environmental vibrations in weighing machines.

o Modeling, trajectory planning and control of cable-direct-driven robots.
o Design of wearable/portable mechatronic systems for renal replacement therapies
o Kinematic models and performance indexes for parallel robots.
o Energy efficient trajectory planning in mechatronic systems.
o Collaborative robots

Chief International Research Collaborations
• Ohio University (Athens, Ohio, USA), Prof. R. L. Williams II.
• Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ, USA), Dr. D. Zanotto
• Universidad de La Coruña (Ferrol, Spain), Prof. J. Cuadrado.
• Université D’Orléans (Bourges, France), Prof. F. Kratz and Prof. D. Aubry.
• University of Liverpool (England, UK), Prof. H. Ouyang.
• University College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland), Dr. W. J. O'Connor.

Research Program Coordination
• Principal investigator of 4 research programs funded by the University of Padova and Cariverona Foundation since 2007. Coordinator of two work packages with independent budget in two research programs funded by CariVerona Foundation since 2010.
• Principal investigator of 10 research projects and technology transfer programs funded by private companies since 2010.
• Drafter, as the Deputy Director of the Doctoral School of Mechatronics and Product Innovation Engineering, of successful proposals for 6 Ph.D. grants funded by CariPaRo Foundation since 2012.

Tesi proposte

- Studio di meccanismi multi-stabili per robot collaborativi.
- Sintesi di tecniche basate su misure meccaniche (coppie, vibrazioni, ecc.) per il self-monitoring, il riconoscimento di danni e la previsione della vita utile residua di componenti di macchine automatiche.
- Sviluppo di un'impugnatura ergonomica in grado di isolare le vibrazioni generate da molatrici manuali.