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LUIGI SALMASO, dottorato di ricerca in Statistica, conseguito presso l'Universita' di Padova.
Professore Associato per il settore scientifico disciplinare SECS-S/01 - STATISTICA presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università (Novembre 2002 - Novembre 2011).
Professore Ordinario per il settore scientifico disciplinare SECS-S/01 - STATISTICA presso il Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei sistemi industriali dell'Università di Padova dal Dicembre 2011.
Associate Editor delle riviste internazionali del repertorio ISI:
- Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods,
- Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation,
- Statistics and Computing,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
- Journal of Applied Statistics,
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
Sito web:

SCOPUS ID: 55911856100;
GOOGLE scholar profile:


Alcune pubblicazioni recenti:

1 Pesarin F., Salmaso L. A review and some new results on permutation testing for multivariate problems STATISTICS AND COMPUTING, 2012, vol. 22, p. 639-646.
2 Guarda-Nardini L., Olivo M., Ferronato G., Salmaso L., Bonnini S., Manfredini D. Treatment Effectiveness of Arthrocentesis Plus Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Different Age Groups of Patients With Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 2012, vol. 70, p. 2048-2056.
3 Bonnini S., Piccolo D., Salmaso L., Solmi F. Permutation inference for a class of mixture models COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. THEORY AND METHODS, 2012, vol. 41, p. 2879-2895.
4 Grilli L., Rampichini C., Salmaso L., Lunardon F., Samuh M. The use of permutation tests for variance components in linear mixed models COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. THEORY AND METHODS, 2012, vol. 41, p. 3020-3029.
5 Basso D., Salmaso L. A permutation test for umbrella alternatives STATISTICS AND COMPUTING, 2011, vol. 21, p. 45-54.
6 Floreani A., Caroli D., Variola A., Rizzotto E.R., Antoniazzi S., Chiaramonte M., Cazzagon N., Brombin C., Salmaso L., Baldo V. A 35-year follow-up of a large cohort of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis seen at a single centre LIVER INTERNATIONAL, 2011, vol. 31, p. 361-368.
7 Brombin C., Salmaso L., Ferronato G., Galzignato P.F. Multi-Aspect Procedures for Paired Data with Application to Biometric Morphing COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION, 2011, vol. 40, p. 1-12.
8 Pesarin F., Salmaso L. Finite-sample consistency of combination-based permutation tests with application to repeated measures designs JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS, 2010, vol. 22, p. 669-684.
9 Tempesta T., Arboretti Giancristofaro R., Corain L., Salmaso L., Tomasi D., Boatto V. The Importance Of Landscape In Wine Quality Perception: An Integrated Approach Using Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis And Combination-Based Permutation Tests FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, 2010, vol. 21, p.827-836.
10 Finos L., Brombin C., Salmaso L. Adjusting Stepwise p-Values in Generalized Linear Models COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. THEORY AND METHODS, 2010, vol. 39, p. 1832-1846.
11 Fasolato L., Novelli E., Salmaso L., Corain L., Camin F., Perini M., Antonetti P., Balzan S, Application of Nonparametric Multivariate Analyses to the Authentication of Wild and Farmed European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Results of a Survey on Fish Sampled in the Retail Trade JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2010, vol. 58, p. 10979-10988.
12 Arboretti Giancristofaro R., Corain L., Mazzaro D., Salmaso L. Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics Springer, 2011, Berlin.
13 Pesarin F., Salmaso L. Permutation Tests for Complex Data: Theory, Applications and Software Wiley and Sons, 2010, Chichester.

Area di ricerca

· Statistical Methods for Marketing Research

· Design of Experiments

· Nonparametric Statistics

· Agricultural Statistics